Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Johovah Witness just changed my tire!

Oh man, this is a good one! You have NO IDEA how badly I couldn't wait for my friendly, neighbourhood Johovah Witness 'friends' to leave from this week's 'enlightening visit' so I could come in here and write this. In fact, I was in the middle of my last blog when I heard that familiar 'rap tap tap' on my door and so decided to cut that blog short because this definitely deserves its very own!

Let me give you a little bit of history here. For those of you who don't know us, we live out in the sticks, up a long driveway, nestled behind 9ft tall corn fields. We're practically invisible. So much so that, that from our Rd., our farm is completely non exsistant. Like, to the point where I have to make it very clear to my Kijiji purchasers that they have to drive RIGHT to the end of our driveway before they will see our house. If you didn't know the farm was here you never would have guessed it was here.
So you could imagine my surprise when, early last spring, I was sitting in my house, minding my own business and I hear a car pull in. The dog is freaking out (you'll be happy to know that she has warmed to them now!) I walk outside and am introduced to Bo (strapping young chap with a nice set of loafers) and his lovely wife Bethany (pretty blond). Let me be clear that we are not a religious family. Not to say I haven't read 'the book' but we are certainly non-practicing.
Ever since that spring afternoon, Bo and Bethany have been visiting my farm on about a bi-weekly basis, like clock work. Now let me explain something here. When the girls are in school and the baby is napping it can get pretty boring out here. Sometimes having an unexpected grown-up conversation (even if it is about how our entire existance is based on how we, as a whole, are damned) Apparently my yearning for adult chit chat had been mistaken for my interest which in turn had placed me in the 'very eager little student/project/prospect' pile. I must of passed the first few tests because I even earned myself one of those little books that the Johovah's Wittness' carry around which as far as I can gather is basically 'the Bible for Dummies' I was even considerate enough to ask for a second one for Troy so we could have 'his' and 'hers' copies.

Now I hope no one is taking offense to this. I'm not knocking the religion, hey, to each his own but I mostly keep conversing with them with these 'studies' because 'its the more you know'.
That is the back ground. THIS is the awesome part.

Back to my last blog, I was going to continue on and write about how I did end up going out this morning to scratch my head over the flat tire. Then I went and got the jack, propped up the van with a bit of a struggle (I think I may have broke something else in the process as crumblings of rusty metal kept falling from the bottom of the van). I got the crow bar or what ever you call it, gave two Amanda-sized hauls on one nut and then graciously accepted defeat, laid all of the tools in the grass beside the van and went inside to wash my hands. Blah blah blah, that part is boring.
Enter stage right, who else but Bo and Bethany and this time they had two other gentlemen with them (also strapping young chaps, also nice loafers). I greeted them with a smile as usual, we shot the sh*t about my horses, how the move was coming along and I must have mentioned something about the flat tire. Well, didn't Bo and his buddies chests puff up. I said, "oh no no, don't be silly, I just got off the phone with Troy and he's going to be off work early today so he can fix the vehicles" But Bo and friend absolutely INSISTED.

Bo - "No, no Amanda, it's not a problemo" and he started taking off his very crisp dress shirt and stripped right down to his slacks and standard whit t-shirt. Well well well, This is a part of the religion that I was unaware of, perhaps we can 'study' that chapter today!

Bethany - (who didn't seem at all disturbed that her husband was going to change my tire while she read me scripture) "Great!, this works out well, they can change your tire and why don't we go sit down on your lawn chairs over there and chat and let the boys do their thing" at which point she did that wrist flick thing ( you know the gesture I'm talking about) followed by a pffftt sound smiling all along.

O. K.?!

So, Bethany and I proceeded to the lawn chairs and discussed God (who's name is Jehovah BTW, see you learn something new every single day!), the evil serpent, that disobedient Eve, (that persuasive little Nelly) and so on and so forth while the 'pit crew' manned up and got each and every one of those rusty little nuts off. You want to hear a story, I got a story, talk about the helpless damsel in distress. It was like dinner and a show. Sweet!

We had an unusually long session today (did I mention that those nuts were really rusted on there) and in the end everyone was happy! Today I must have graduated up one level because I got the official 'invite' to a meeting. Like an actual paper that I was able to stick up on my fridge right under my "I like to drink, what's your hobby" magnet.

See, this is why Blogging is so important. First of all its nice to have somewhere to document all of these little, happy memories just in case the details start fading away and secondly some experiences are just way, WAY too awesome to not share with a few friends!!

I love my life!


  1. I will second the "Amen". When is the meeting? Will you go just for fun?

  2. Me again. Jeff might want to go with you, also just for fun.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Their nice to your face and will stab you in the minute it takes to turn your back (past experience within growing up with a shit load of them).But this I will say was entertaining to read.

  5. I wasn't considering going but every time they come I always think of how funny it would be to have Jeff here!! JUST FOR THE RECORD< NO I"M NOT PLANNING ON CONVERTING!!!

  6. Lucky!! I wish the JWs would come by my place. They probably took one look at me and saw Satan in my eyes (hey, my iPhone knew to capitalize "Satan"... What does that say about Apple?). Or maybe I rattled their brains too much with a question or two. Anyway, I think they gave up on me.

  7. Niiiice. I like your style, Ms. Amanda! Haha... I never had the patience, but I didn't know it could get "good!"
