Monday, October 26, 2009

Can't please a girl...

I'm sitting on my couch, again...well no, not again, still. I'm multitasking on some mundane level. I'm blogging, watching a fuzzy episode of F.B. Eye, chatting with a friend on Messenger (who coincidentally enough is also sitting on her couch on her horse farm in Coburg and who also is whining about how utterly bored she is at this exact moment), oh, and every now and then I change my position when I feel pins and needles in my curled up legs. Of course there are several things I could be doing. Probably even more tasks that I should be doing...but I'm just not feeling the motivation. Go figure. Here is how my train of thought progressed during the first half of my day. I managed to (once again) fit about 2 hours worth of regular morning tasks into 45 minutes before I shipped the girls off to the school bus. That deserved a coffee and a half of a cigarette obviously. By some strike of god the baby didn't wake up through the whole ordeal so I peeked in her door to make sure she was still breathing. Check. and crawled back into my queen sized bed. Ahhhhhhhh. I fell asleep for a bit but then woke up with this nagging feeling to check more thoroughly that Avalee hadn't slipped into some sort of coma over night, which she thankfully hadn't, This time she heard the door creek and proceeded to cram her tiny baby fist into her eyes sockets for a good 30 seconds, stumbled to an upright position and she was officially awake. My first response was to groan but at the same time I was pleased to see her chubby cheeks and bed-head hair and realized that I missed the little brat when she slept, especially since she had been away on the weekend for a sleep over at Grandma's house.
I'm getting off track here, point is it seems I just can't win, have the best of both worlds.
Another example is that for some god forsaken reason Troy woke up in a grump and sure enough we got into some half coherent argument about something so trivial and unimportant (this is at 4:30am, I might add) that I can't wait until I hear the noisy rumble of our mini-van pull out of the driveway. The second he is out of ear shot I wish he was right back there in the room with me, cutting me off with some pointless point or another.
So how this steers back to why I've been (and fully intend on continuing) sitting on my couch ALL day is this. I'm looking out my front bay window (well, around the 42inch plasma and Sue Thomas; F.B.Eye). I see such a beautiful blue sky, puffy white clouds, a typical warmish fall day. I'm thinking it might as well be snowing out. I might as well be sitting in some dive-y hole in the wall in the ghetto side of Detriot (I know, which side?!) and not on a gorgeous horse farm with animals roaming as they please. Nope. Me, my sleepy dog and this one pesky fly, that I swear to God I've killed about 8 times, are watching Local TV on mute, blogging and bitching to friends ALL about it.
I LOVE living in the country but I miss the easy access adult interaction of the city. I LOVE running a barn full of horses but just can seem to get the motivation together today to check that it hasn't burned to the ground over night (don't worry, luckily that same motivation was much more abundant last night when I fed and watered and made sure the animals had plenty of everything that they needed). I love the quiet peacefulness of the baby napping but had a weird urge to go wake her up just for the company (though common sense kicked in and no I'm not that nuts!)
My insides get all giddy when the school bus hauls my kids away but, well, I kind of wish one of them would develop a mild to moderate cold so I have a valid excuse to keep them home for a day or two. See, you just can't win. Blogging seems to be the only thing rational at the moment.
I blame it on Dr. Phil. He can, at times, be so captivating that sitting around all day with my laptop on my lap waiting for 3 o'clock to roll around puts some sense to the matter. Maybe all of my motivation is stock piling as we speak so that tomorrow I'll get laundry and vacuuming done while vibrating with enthusiasm! Mehhh, it'll probably snow tomorrow.