Thursday, January 7, 2010

What is it about Twilight?

I'm halfway through New Moon and while I muted the tv during a commercial break for the millionth time today to fit in a few more pages a thought popped into my head. It was very clearly Troy's voice asking me "why in the world would you spend so much time reading books about teenage girls and Vampires...Vampires? seriously?!" We have had that conversation as I'm sure many wives have had with their husbands late at night when she refuses to turn the light off til she's done one more chapter.

"No Troy, these are Werewolves, the Vampires left town" I very seriously corrected him.

So what is the damn compelling draw to read these books about things that I have always swore held zero interest to me? To the point that I was severely irritated when one of my Ex's used to read and write stories about Zombies and such mythical, fictional characters. I even refused to sit through equally ridiculous movies about like characters. It used to annoy the crap out of him (my apologies in retrospect Chad!).

Troy took the book from me and opened it randomly to page 293-294 of New Moon and read this paragraph aloud to me.

What kind of place was this? Could a world really exist where ancient legends went wondering around the borders of tiny insignificant towns, facing down mythical monsters? Did this mean that every impossible fairy tale was grounded somewhere in absolute truth? Was there anything sane or normal at all, or was it all just magic and ghost stories? which point he contorted his face to a blended expression of disgust and amusement. He asked me why I don't spend my time reading something credible. Something like history or war or the Bible or my psych. textbook. Something that isn't about angst-y teenagers chasing or being chased by Vampires and Werewolves. Then he tried to convince me that the Twilight books are actually written for his niece Hannah who happens to be 11 and loves the Jonas Brothers. I'm not convinced but I am baffled about my new found love for things that are so far from reality they're, well, Vampires.

That's enough thought wasted on that. It's one step up, or down depending on how you look at it, from my usual romance novels.
Whateva' Thats coming from the guy who loves reading about history...pffft, history...


  1. I am with you 100% Those vampires and werewolves got me too!

  2. Well.... I haven't read those types of books, so I guess I can't give much opinion on that... BUT I must say,the movie Twilight is AWFUL!!! PURE TERRIBLE!!!! WORST ACTING!!! it wouldve been kinda cool if only they had better acting,they were so mono toned..i couldnt even finish watching it.

  3. I'm also curious about the appeal. I agree with Laura that the movie was terrible but then its not fair to judge a book by its terrible Hollywood counter-part. However, reading a book about history would bore me to death.. unless its a really cool biography about the actual history of a really cool band. Then I'm game.
