Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Good Samaritan always gets back...

Lets start by noting that yesterday was my 30th birthday. YAY. Really I woke up to the same quaint farmhouse, same awesome hubby, same (slightly crazy) 3 daughters, Corrah the wait...Corrah OUR trusty dog, 1 horse, 1 lazy donkey, roughly 17 chickens (though I didn't do a head count) and two very disgruntled (once 'house cats' in transition to 'barn cats') cats. We had a normal morning. Anyway, lets start at last night, since, that is where the fun began. We ate veggies and hummus, cheese and crackers (thank you T & J), pizza, cake than drank tea (which in retrospect should have been a few glasses of wine) and it turned out to be my usual chaos. I pack my 3 girls in the tiny car along with some left-overs for Troy along with two households worth of dinner scrap for the chickens. I pull out of the drive way for my 25 min. trek home (it's after 8pm by then) and try to stop at the first stop sign and barely made it. I had mentioned to my visiting Mom not even 5 hours before how I thought the brakes in the car felt 'loose' but I would look into it in the morning, after all it is my Birthday and I am not a mechanic. Long story short, apparently I have a leak somewhere in the deep, dark under body of my braking system. Three kids, tired, full of sugar sitting in the car, we manage to prolong the life of my braking system until we pull into our dark, country driveway. I'm going to skip the part where I pulled up to Troy and his buddy shooting the sh*t in the driveway but will tell you that I hopped out of the car with a bitch face demanding that Troy get the baby out and put her to bed because I had just spent an hour with non stop little girl voices tearing through my brain. The rest of the night went smoothly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (thank god) AMANDA! Today though, that was everything I needed to reground myself. Girls on the bus in time, house clean, animals fed and all I wanted was some...I don't even know what. For my birthday my mom bought me a wicker shelf (50% off, awesome!) at a goodwill store which needed to be picked up. After luckily evading several OPP officers (driving a van with ABSOLUTELY NO exhaust system that doesn't have its proper licensing 'sticker') I make it into town. This is when things take a turn for the better. We pull up to the second hand store and I no longer see the small dining room set that was stacked outside waiting to be priced. I know that's not better but just wait. As I unload my toddler and we stroll through the very small, yet packed, parking lot I over hear a very nice Asian man (sorry if that is offensive, I'm not up to date on the correct terms), with jumper cables in his hands, asking an uptight, ignorant woman on her way to her high-end SUV if she could give him a boost because his car battery was dead. Uptight woman in fancy clothes with her fancy SUV - "No, I'm on my way to a meeting" WTF Amanda (with baby and Mum) - "Do you need a boost? I can give you a boost" gesturing back to my farm road, dirt splattered, rusty, no muffler, illegal at this point minivan. Man with jumper cables - "Really?! Thank you, thank you so much, thank you!" As it turns out I had to drive all the way around the block (stupid one way streets) but we managed to jump his car squeezing both positive and negative prongs trough a chain wire fence, and his car started like a dream. This gentleman thanked me numerous times and gave me $5 for my time. I told him 'you are very welcome and if you ever see me on the side of the road be gracious enough to stop'. He agreed. Maybe one day. Probably sooner than later with my luck! So, the dining set that I was so worried had sold was actually set up in the 'showroom'. $50 price tag with a little red stripe stoked across the top of the tag. Strangely enough I happened to notice a Plexiglas sign behind an old oak chest that stated *50% of green and red tagged items*. Apparently it was a mistake that the sign was left for customers to see so after meeting with the cashier and showing her the unfortunate sale sign we got my dining room set for $25! It was a weird day that resulted in a lot of (sort of) in depth talk between my Mum and I. Strangely enough, as I was driving home with my new found treasure of a place for my family to meet, eat and be merry, I was driving through Up-Town Waterloo when some a-hole behind in a Nissan Pathfinder honked at me because I was respecting the bike lane on Caroline St. and then they didn't even signal when he turned one block later. I tell you, it all comes back to face you at some point and it's really not that hard to be a good person. I'm humble, I'm happy, I'm a good person and I'm 30 and loving it thus far. Stop and jump-start a car today. It'll look good on you.

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